بعد تسجيل الدخول : لإلغاء الإشتراك من الموقع,
اضغط على زر إلغاء الإشتراك من الصفحة الرئيسية
ألعب الأن

Welcome to the wonderful world of baking! Choose a recipe, mix ingredients and then watch the cakes and cookies that come out of the oven! There are 21 delicious cakes you can create out of 14 ingredients. Finding the right set and oven temperature could be tricky, but the game gives you hints of which ingredients are right and which are wrong, so it gets easier with every try. If you would be able to find the perfect combination of ingredients and temperature, you’ll get the golden perfect bake recipe! Grab your apron and get into the magic world of baking. What will you make for dessert today?

ألعب الأن